1  Lab: Introduction to R for Statistics


Gabriele Filomena


December 12, 2024

The following material has been readapted from:

The lecture’s slides can be found here.

For the lab sessions and your assignment, you will need the following software:

To install and update:

1.1 R?

R is an open-source program that is commonly used in Statistics. It runs on almost every platform and is completely free and is available at www.r-project.org. Most of the cutting-edge statistical research is first available on R.

R is a script based language, so there is no point and click interface. While the initial learning curve will be steeper, understanding how to write scripts will be valuable because it leaves a clear description of what steps you performed in your data analysis. Typically you will want to write a script in a separate file and then run individual lines. This saves you from having to retype a bunch of commands and speeds up the debugging process.

1.2 R(Studio) Basics

We will be running R through the program RStudio which is located at rstudio.com. When you first open up RStudio the console window gives you some information about the version of R you are running and then it gives the prompt >. This prompt is waiting for you to input a command. The prompt + tells you that the current command is spanning multiple lines. In a script file you might have typed something like this:

for( i in 1:5 ){

Finding help about a certain function is very easy. At the prompt, just type help(function.name) or ?function.name. If you don’t know the name of the function, your best bet is to go the the web page www.rseek.org which will search various R resources for your keyword(s). Another great resource is the coding question and answer site stackoverflow.

1.2.1 Starting a session in RStudio

Upon startup, RStudio will look something like this.

Note: the Pane Layout and Appearance settings can be altered:

  • on Windows by clicking RStudio>Tools>Global Options>Appearance or Pane Layout
  • on Mac OS by clicking RStudio>Preferences>Appearance or Pane Layout.

You will also have a standard white background; but you can choose specific themes.

Source Panel (Top-Left)

This is where you write, edit, and view scripts, R Markdown/Quarto documents, or R scripts. It allows:

  • Editing Scripts: Write and edit R scripts or documents (.R, .Rmd, .qmd).
  • Executing the Code: Run lines, blocks, or the entire script directly from the editor.

Console Panel (Bottom-Left)

The Console is the main place to run R commands interactively. It allows:

  • Executing the Code: Type and run R commands directly.
  • Viewing outputs, warnings, and errors for immediate feedback.
  • Browsing and reusing past commands (History Tab).
  • Toggling between the R Console, and the Terminal (yuo don’t really need the latter).

Environment Panel (Top-Right)

This panel helps track variables, functions, and the history of commands used. It contains:

  • Environment Tab: Shows all current variables, datasets, and objects in your session, including their structure and values.
  • History Tab: Provides a record of past commands. You can re-run or move commands to the console or script.

Files / Plots / Packages / Help Panel (Bottom-Right)

This multifunctional panel is for file navigation, plotting, managing packages, viewing help, and managing jobs. It contains:

  • Files Tab: Navigate, open, and manage files and directories within your project.
  • Plots Tab: Displays plots generated in your session. You can export or navigate through multiple plots here.
  • Packages Tab: Lists installed packages and allows you to install, load, and update packages.
  • Help Tab: Displays help documentation for R functions, packages, and other resources. You can search for documentation by typing a function or package name.

Important: Unless you are working with a script, you will be likely writing code on the console.

At the start of a session, it’s good practice clearing your R environment (console):

rm(list = ls())

In R, we are going to be working with relative paths. With the command getwd(), you can see where your working directory is currently set.


For ENVS225, download the material of the module an unzip it whever you like.

The folder structure should look like:

├── data/
├── labs_img/
└── labs/

You can delete other sub-folders (e.g. docs).

This should be on your personal computer or if on a local machine, I suggest using the directory M: to store the folder, it can be accessed from every computer.

Then, in R Studio - on Windows by clicking RStudio>Tools>Global Options>General.. - on Mac OS by clicking RStudio>Preferences>Appearance or Pane Layout…

browse and set the folder you just creted as your working directory.

Check if that has been applied.


File paths in R work like this:

File Path Description
MyFile.csv Look in the working directory for MyFile.csv.
MyFolder/MyFile.csv In the working directory, there is a subdirectory called MyFolder and inside that folder is MyFile.csv.

You do not need to set your working directory if you are using an R-markdown or Quarto document and you have it saved in the right location. The pathway will start from where your document is saved.

1.2.2 Using the console

Try to use the console to perform a few operations. For example type in:

[1] 2

Slightly more complicated:

print("hello world")
[1] "hello world"

If you are unsure about what a command does, use the “Help” panel in your Files pane or type ?function in the console. For example, to see how the dplyr::rename() function works, type in ?dplyr::rename. When you see the double colon syntax like in the previous command, it’s a call to a package without loading its library.

1.2.3 R as a simple calculator

You can use R as a simple calculator. At the prompt, type 2+3 and hit enter. What you should see is the following

# Some simple addition
[1] 5

In this fashion you can use R as a very capable calculator.

[1] 48
[1] 64
exp(1)   # exp() is the exponential function
[1] 2.718282

R has most constants and common mathematical functions you could ever want. For example, the absolute value of a number is given by abs(), and round() will round a value to the nearest integer.

pi     # the constant 3.14159265...
[1] 3.141593
[1] 1.77

Whenever you call a function, there will be some arguments that are mandatory, and some that are optional and the arguments are separated by a comma. In the above statements the function abs() requires at least one argument, and that is the number you want the absolute value of.

When functions require more than one argument, arguments can be specified via the order in which they are passed or by naming the arguments. So for the log() function, for example, which calculates the logarithm of a number, one can specify the arguments using the named values; the order woudn’t matter:

# Demonstrating order does not matter if you specify
# which argument is which
log(x=5, base=10)   
[1] 0.69897
log(base=10, x=5)
[1] 0.69897

When we don’t specify which argument is which, R will decide that x is the first argument, and base is the second.

# If not specified, R will assume the second value is the base...
log(5, 10)
[1] 0.69897
log(10, 5)
[1] 1.430677

When we want to specify the arguments, we can do so using the name=value notation.

1.2.4 Variables Assignment

We need to be able to assign a value to a variable to be able to use it later. R does this by using an arrow <- or an equal sign =. While R supports either, for readability, I suggest people pick one assignment operator and stick with it.

Variable names cannot start with a number, may not include spaces, and are case sensitive.

var <- 2*7.5       # create two variables
another_var = 5   # notice they show up in 'Environment' tab in RStudio!
[1] 15
var * another_var 
[1] 75

As your analysis gets more complicated, you’ll want to save the results to a variable so that you can access the results later. If you don’t assign the result to a variable, you have no way of accessing the result.

1.2.5 Working with Scripts

R Scripts (.R files)

Traditional script files look like this:

# Problem 1 
# Calculate the log of a couple of values and make a plot
# of the log function from 0 to 3
x <- seq(.1,3, length=1000)
plot(x, log(x))

# Problem 2
# Calculate the exponential function of a couple of values
# and make a plot of the function from -2 to 2
x <- seq(-2, 2, length=1000)
plot(x, exp(x))

In RStudio you can create a new script by going to File -> New File -> R Script. This opens a new window in RStudio where you can type commands and functions as a common text editor.

This looks perfectly acceptable as a way of documenting what one does, but this script file doesn’t contain the actual results of commands you ran, nor does it show you the plots. Also anytime you want to comment on some output, it needs to be offset with the commenting character #. It would be nice to have both the commands and the results merged into one document. This is what the R Markdown file does for us.

R Markdown (.Rmd and .qmd files)

The R Markdown is an implementation of the Markdown syntax that makes it extremely easy to write webpages or scientific documents that include conde. This syntax was extended to allow users to embed R code directly into more complex documents. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the syntax is to look at an at the RMarkdown website.

The R code in a R Markdown document (.rmd file extension) can be nicely separated from regular text using the three backticks (3 times `, see below) and an instruction that it is R code that needs to be evaluated. A code chunk will look like:

    for (i in 1:5) {print(i)}
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5

In ENVS225: In this module we will be using .qmd a more flexible development of .rmd files.

Markdown files present several advantages compared to writing your code in the console or just using scripts. You’ll save yourself a huge amount of work by embracing Markdown files from the beginning; you will keep track of your code and your steps, be able to document and present how you did your analysis (helpful when writing the methods section of a paper), and it will make it easier to re-run an analysis after a change in the data (such as additional data values, transformed data, or removal of outliers) or once you spot an error. Finally, it makes the script more readable.

1.2.6 R Packages

One of the greatest strengths about R is that so many people have developed add-on packages to do some additional function. To download and install the package from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), you just need to ask RStudio it to install it via the menu Tools -> Install Packages.... Once there, you just need to give the name of the package and RStudio will download and install the package on your computer.

Once a package is downloaded and installed on your computer, it is available, but it is not loaded into your current R session by default. To improve overall performance only a few packages are loaded by default and the you must explicitly load packages whenever you want to use them. You only need to load them once per session/script.

library(dplyr)   # load the dplyr library, will be useful later

1.3 Practice: Dataset and Dataframes

First of all, create a new Markdown document. We use the File -> New File -> Quarto Document.. dropdown option, and a menu will appear asking you for the document title, author, and preferred output type. You can select HTML, but you will need your assignment to be submitted in PDF; more on that later.

Follow the practical below. You can describe what you are doing in normal text. See here for how to format normal text in Markdown documents

Remember, when you want to write code in a markdown document you have to enclose it like this:

or you can insert it manually:

Within this module we will be working with data stored in so-called datasets. A dataset is a structured collection of data points that represent various measurements or observations, often organized in a tabular format with rows and columns. A dataset might contain information about different locations, such as neighborhoods or cities, with each row representing a place and each column detailing characteristics like population density, average income, or number of green parks. For example, a dataset could be compiled to study patterns in urban mobility, where the data includes the number of daily commuters, the distance they travel, and the mode of transport they use. Datasets provide the essential building blocks for statistical analysis; they enable exploring relationships, identifying patterns, and drawing conclusions about certatin phenomena.

Examples of everyday datasets:

  • Premier League Standings: Each row represents a team, with columns for points, games played, wins, draws, and losses.
  • Movie Dataset: Each row represents a movie, with columns showing its title, genre, release year, director, and rating.
  • Weather Dataset: Each row shows a day’s weather in a city, with columns for temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation.

Usually, data is organized in

  • Columns of data representing some trait or variable that we might be interested in. In general, we might wish to investigate the relationship between variables.
  • Rows represent a single object on which the column traits are measured.

For example, in a grade book for recording students scores throughout the semester, their is one row for every student and columns for each assignment. A greenhouse experiment dataset will have a row for every plant and columns for treatment type and biomass.

1.3.1 Datasets in R

In R, we want a way of storing data where it feels just as if we had an Excel Spreadsheet where each row represents an observation and each column represents some information about that observation. We will call this object a data.frame, an R represention of a data set. The easiest way to understand data frames is to create one.

Task: Copy the code below in your markdown. Create a data.frame that represents an instructor’s grade book, where each row is a student, and each column represents some sort of assessment.

Grades <- data.frame(
  Name  = c('Bob','Jeff','Mary','Valerie'),     
  Exam.1 = c(90, 75, 92, 85),
  Exam.2 = c(87, 71, 95, 81)
# Show the data.frame 
# View(Grades)  # show the data in an Excel-like tab.  Doesn't work when knitting 
Grades          # show the output in the console. This works when knitting
     Name Exam.1 Exam.2
1     Bob     90     87
2    Jeff     75     71
3    Mary     92     95
4 Valerie     85     81

To execute just one chunk of code press the green arrow top-right of the chunk:

R allows two differnt was to access elements of the data.frame. First is a matrix-like notation for accessing particular values.

Format Result
[a,b] Element in row a and column b
[a,] All of row a
[,b] All of column b

Because the columns have meaning and we have given them column names, it is desirable to want to access an element by the name of the column as opposed to the column number.

Task: Copy and Run:

Grades[, 2]       # print out all of column 2 
[1] 90 75 92 85
Grades$Name       # The $-sign means to reference a column by its label
[1] "Bob"     "Jeff"    "Mary"    "Valerie"

1.3.2 Importing Data in R

From: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dereksonderegger/570L/master/07_DataImport.Rmd

Usually we won’t type the data in by hand, but rather load the data from some package. Reading data from external sources is a necessary skill.

Comma Separated Values Data

To consider how data might be stored, we first consider the simplest file format: the comma separated values file (.csv). In this file time, each of the “cells” of data are separated by a comma. For example, the data file storing scores for three students might be as follows:

Able, Dave, 98, 92, 94
Bowles, Jason, 85, 89, 91
Carr, Jasmine, 81, 96, 97

Typically when you open up such a file on a computer with MS Excel installed, Excel will open up the file assuming it is a spreadsheet and put each element in its own cell. However, you can also open the file using a more primitive program (say Notepad in Windows, TextEdit on a Mac) you’ll see the raw form of the data.

Having just the raw data without any sort of column header is problematic (which of the three exams was the final??). Ideally we would have column headers that store the name of the column.

LastName, FirstName, Exam1, Exam2, FinalExam
Able, Dave, 98, 92, 94
Bowles, Jason, 85, 89, 91
Carr, Jasmine, 81, 96, 97

Reading (.csv) files

To make R read in the data arranged in this format, we need to tell R three things:

  1. Where does the data live? Often this will be the name of a file on your computer, but the file could just as easily live on the internet (provided your computer has internet access).

  2. Is the first row data or is it the column names?

  3. What character separates the data? Some programs store data using tabs to distinguish between elements, some others use white space. R’s mechanism for reading in data is flexible enough to allow you to specify what the separator is.

The primary function that we’ll use to read data from a file and into R is the function read.csv(). This function has many optional arguments but the most commonly used ones are outlined in the table below.

Argument Default Description
file Required A character string denoting the file location.
header TRUE Specifies whether the first line contains column headers.
sep "," Specifies the character that separates columns. For read.csv(), this is usually a comma.
skip 0 The number of lines to skip before reading data; useful for files with descriptive text before the actual data.
na.strings "NA" Values that represent missing data; multiple values can be specified, e.g., c("NA", "-9999").
quote " Specifies the character used to quote character strings, typically " or '.
stringsAsFactors FALSE Controls whether character strings are converted to factors; FALSE means they remain as character data.
row.names NULL Allows specifying a column as row names, or assigning NULL to use default indexing for rows.
colClasses NULL Specifies the data type for each column to speed up reading for large files, e.g., c("character", "numeric").
encoding "unknown" Sets the text encoding of the file, which can be useful for files with special or international characters.

Most of the time you just need to specify the file. |

Task: Let’s read in a dataset of terrorist attacks that have taken place in the UK:

attacks <- read.csv(file   = '../data/attacksUK.csv')  # where the data lives                                 

1.4 Practice: Descriptive Statistics

1.4.1 Summarizing Data

It is very important to be able to take a data set and produce summary statistics such as the mean and standard deviation of a column. For this sort of manipulation, we use the package dplyr. This package allows chaining together many common actions to form a particular task.

The foundational operations to perform on a data set are:

  • Subsetting - Returns a with only particular columns or rows

    select - Selecting a subset of columns by name or column number.

    filter - Selecting a subset of rows from a data frame based on logical expressions.

    slice - Selecting a subset of rows by row number.

  • arrange - Re-ordering the rows of a data frame.

  • mutate - Add a new column that is some function of other columns.

  • summarise - calculate some summary statistic of a column of data. This collapses a set of rows into a single row.

Each of these operations is a function in the package dplyr. These functions all have a similar calling syntax,: - The first argument is a data set;. - Subsequent arguments describe what to do with the input data frame and you can refer to the columns without using the df$column notation.

All of these functions will return a data set.

The dplyr package also includes a function that “pipes” commands together. The idea is that the %>% operator works by translating the command a %>% f(b) to the expression f(a,b). This operator works on any function f. The beauty of this comes when you have a suite of functions that takes input arguments of the same type as their output. For example if we wanted to start with x, and first apply function f(), then g(), and then h(), the usual R command would be h(g(f(x))) which is hard to read because you have to start reading at the innermost set of parentheses. Using the pipe command %>%, this sequence of operations becomes x %>% f() %>% g() %>% h(). For example:

Grades # Recall the Grades data 
     Name Exam.1 Exam.2
1     Bob     90     87
2    Jeff     75     71
3    Mary     92     95
4 Valerie     85     81
# The following code takes the Grades data.frame and calculates 
# a column for the average exam score, and then sorts the data 
# according to the that average score
Grades %>%
  mutate( Avg.Score = (Exam.1 + Exam.2) / 2 ) %>%
  arrange( Avg.Score )
     Name Exam.1 Exam.2 Avg.Score
1    Jeff     75     71      73.0
2 Valerie     85     81      83.0
3     Bob     90     87      88.5
4    Mary     92     95      93.5

Keep it in mind, it is not necessary to memorise this.

Let’s consider the summarize function to calculate the mean score for Exam.1. Notice that this takes a data frame of four rows, and summarizes it down to just one row that represents the summarized data for all four students.

library(dplyr) # load the library
Grades %>%
  summarize( Exam.1.mean = mean( Exam.1 ) )
1        85.5

Similarly you could calculate the standard deviation for the exam as well.

Grades %>%
  summarize( Exam.1.mean = mean( Exam.1 ),
             Exam.1.sd   = sd(   Exam.1   ) )
  Exam.1.mean Exam.1.sd
1        85.5  7.593857

Task: Write the code above in your markdown file and run it. Do not to copy it this time.

Let’s go back to the terrorist attacks. There are attacks perpetrated by several different groups. Each record is a single attack and contains information about who perpetrated the attack, what year, how many were killed and how many were wounded. You can get a glimpse of the dataframe with the function head

head(attacks, n = 10)
   nrKilled nrWound year        country                        group
1         0       0 2005 United Kingdom   Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
2         0       0 2005 United Kingdom   Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
3         0       0 2005 United Kingdom   Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
4         0       0 2005 United Kingdom   Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
5         0       1 1982 United Kingdom Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
6         0       0 2014 United Kingdom                   Anarchists
7         0       0 2014 United Kingdom                   Anarchists
8         0       0 2014 United Kingdom                   Anarchists
9         0       0 2014 United Kingdom                   Anarchists
10        0       0 2014 United Kingdom                   Anarchists
                           attack                      target
1               Bombing/Explosion              Transportation
2               Bombing/Explosion              Transportation
3               Bombing/Explosion              Transportation
4               Bombing/Explosion              Transportation
5                   Assassination     Government (Diplomatic)
6  Facility/Infrastructure Attack                    Business
7  Facility/Infrastructure Attack                    Business
8  Facility/Infrastructure Attack                    Business
9  Facility/Infrastructure Attack Private Citizens & Property
10 Facility/Infrastructure Attack                      Police
1  Explosives/Bombs/Dynamite
2  Explosives/Bombs/Dynamite
3  Explosives/Bombs/Dynamite
4  Explosives/Bombs/Dynamite
5                   Firearms
6                 Incendiary
7                 Incendiary
8                 Incendiary
9                 Incendiary
10                Incendiary

We might want to compare different actors and see the mean and standard deviation of the number of people wound, by each group’s attack, across time. To do this, we are still going to use the summarize, but we will precede that with group_by(group) to tell the subsequent dplyr functions to perform the actions separately for each breed.

attacks %>%
  group_by( group) %>%
  summarise( Mean = mean(attacks$nrWound), 
             Std.Dev = sd(attacks$nrWound))
# A tibble: 38 × 3
   group                                               Mean Std.Dev
   <chr>                                              <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades                         0.963    7.22
 2 Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)                       0.963    7.22
 3 Anarchists                                         0.963    7.22
 4 Animal Liberation Front (ALF)                      0.963    7.22
 5 Animal Rights Activists                            0.963    7.22
 6 Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia 0.963    7.22
 7 Black September                                    0.963    7.22
 8 Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)            0.963    7.22
 9 Dissident Republicans                              0.963    7.22
10 Informal Anarchist Federation                      0.963    7.22
# ℹ 28 more rows

Task: Write the code above in your markdown file and run it. Try out another categorical variable instead of group (e.g. year) and nrKilled instead of nrWound.

Let’s now move to another dataset to address a research question. For illustration purposes, we will use the Family Resources Survey (FRS). The FRS is an annual survey conducted by the UK government that collects detailed information about the income, living conditions, and resources of private households across the United Kingdom. Managed by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the FRS provides data that is essential for understanding the economic and social conditions of households and informing public policy.

Consider questions such as:

  • How many respondents (persons) are there in the 2016-17 FRS?
  • How many variables (population attributes) are there?
  • What types of variables are present in the FRS?
  • What is the most detailed geography available in the FRS?

Task: To answer these questions, load and inspect the dataset.

# the FRS dataset should be already loaded, otherwise
frs_data <- read.csv("../data/FamilyResourceSurvey/FRS16-17_labels.csv") 

# Display basic structure 
Rows: 44,145
Columns: 45
$ household        <int> 6087, 6101, 6103, 6122, 6134, 6136, 6138, 6140, 6143,…
$ family           <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,…
$ person           <int> 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3,…
$ country          <chr> "England", "England", "England", "Northern Ireland", …
$ region           <chr> "London", "South East", "Yorks and the Humber", "Nort…
$ age_group        <chr> "05-10", "05-10", "05-10", "05-10", "05-10", "05-10",…
$ sex              <chr> "Female", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Female", "Female…
$ marital_status   <chr> "Single", "Single", "Single", "Single", "Single", "Si…
$ ethnicity        <chr> "Mixed / multiple ethnic groups", "White", "White", "…
$ hrp              <chr> "Not HRP", "Not HRP", "Not HRP", "Not HRP", "Not HRP"…
$ rel_to_hrp       <chr> "Son/daughter (incl. adopted)", "Son/daughter (incl. …
$ lifestage        <chr> "Child (0-17)", "Child (0-17)", "Child (0-17)", "Chil…
$ dependent        <chr> "Dependent", "Dependent", "Dependent", "Dependent", "…
$ arrival_year     <chr> "UK Born", "UK Born", "UK Born", "UK Born", "UK Born"…
$ birth_country    <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ care_hours       <chr> "0 hours per week", "0 hours per week", "0 hours per …
$ educ_age         <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ educ_type        <chr> "School (full-time)", "School (full-time)", "School (…
$ fam_youngest     <chr> "7", "4", "0", "7", "0", "9", "10", "0", "3", "10", "…
$ fam_toddlers     <int> 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,…
$ fam_size         <int> 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 4, 4,…
$ happy            <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ health           <chr> "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "…
$ hh_accom_type    <chr> "Terraced house/bungalow", "Detached house/bungalow",…
$ hh_benefits      <int> 10868, 0, 1768, 8632, 8372, 1768, 1768, 1768, 0, 0, 1…
$ hh_composition   <chr> "Three or more adults, 1+ children", "One adult femal…
$ hh_ctax_band     <chr> "Band D", "Band F", "Band A", "Band B", "Band A", "Ba…
$ hh_housing_costs <chr> "4316", "10296", "5408", "Northern Ireland", "5720", …
$ hh_income_gross  <int> 54236, 180804, 26936, 19968, 17992, 76596, 31564, 366…
$ hh_income_net    <int> 44668, 120640, 23556, 19968, 17992, 62868, 29744, 287…
$ hh_size          <int> 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4,…
$ hh_tenure        <chr> "Mortgaged (including part rent / part own)", "Mortga…
$ highest_qual     <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ income_gross     <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
$ income_net       <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
$ jobs             <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ life_satisf      <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ nssec            <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ sic_chapter      <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ sic_division     <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ soc2010          <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ work_hours       <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ workstatus       <chr> "Dependent Child", "Dependent Child", "Dependent Chil…
$ years_ft_work    <chr> "Dependent child", "Dependent child", "Dependent chil…
$ survey_weight    <int> 2315, 1317, 2449, 427, 1017, 1753, 1363, 1344, 828, 1…

and summary:

   household         family          person       country         
 Min.   :    1   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :1.00   Length:44145      
 1st Qu.: 4816   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:1.00   Class :character  
 Median : 9673   Median :1.000   Median :2.00   Mode  :character  
 Mean   : 9677   Mean   :1.106   Mean   :1.98                     
 3rd Qu.:14553   3rd Qu.:1.000   3rd Qu.:3.00                     
 Max.   :19380   Max.   :6.000   Max.   :9.00                     
    region           age_group             sex            marital_status    
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
  ethnicity             hrp             rel_to_hrp         lifestage        
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
  dependent         arrival_year       birth_country       care_hours       
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   educ_age          educ_type         fam_youngest        fam_toddlers   
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Min.   :0.0000  
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:0.0000  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :0.0000  
                                                          Mean   :0.2557  
                                                          3rd Qu.:0.0000  
                                                          Max.   :4.0000  
    fam_size        happy              health          hh_accom_type     
 Min.   :1.000   Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 1st Qu.:2.000   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :2.000   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :2.599                                                           
 3rd Qu.:4.000                                                           
 Max.   :9.000                                                           
  hh_benefits    hh_composition     hh_ctax_band       hh_housing_costs  
 Min.   :    0   Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 1st Qu.:    0   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median : 1768   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   : 5670                                                           
 3rd Qu.:10192                                                           
 Max.   :54080                                                           
 hh_income_gross   hh_income_net        hh_size      hh_tenure        
 Min.   :-326092   Min.   :-334776   Min.   :1.00   Length:44145      
 1st Qu.:  22256   1st Qu.:  20748   1st Qu.:2.00   Class :character  
 Median :  35984   Median :  31512   Median :3.00   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :  46076   Mean   :  37447   Mean   :2.96                     
 3rd Qu.:  57252   3rd Qu.:  47008   3rd Qu.:4.00                     
 Max.   :1165216   Max.   :1116596   Max.   :9.00                     
 highest_qual        income_gross       income_net          jobs          
 Length:44145       Min.   :-354848   Min.   :-358592   Length:44145      
 Class :character   1st Qu.:     52   1st Qu.:      0   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Median :  12740   Median :  12012   Mode  :character  
                    Mean   :  17305   Mean   :  14204                     
                    3rd Qu.:  23712   3rd Qu.:  20384                     
                    Max.   :1127360   Max.   :1110928                     
 life_satisf           nssec           sic_chapter        sic_division      
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
   soc2010           work_hours         workstatus        years_ft_work     
 Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145       Length:44145      
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Min.   :  221  
 1st Qu.: 1097  
 Median : 1380  
 Mean   : 1459  
 3rd Qu.: 1742  
 Max.   :39675  

1.4.2 Understanding the Structure of the FRS Datafile

In the FRS data structure, each row represents a person, but:

  • Each person is nested within a family.
  • Each family is nested within a household.

Below is an example dataset structure:

household family person region age_group sex marital_status rel_to_hrp
1 1 1 London 40-44 Female Married/Civil partnership Spouse
1 1 2 London 40-44 Male Married/Civil partnership Household Representative
1 1 3 London 5-10 Male Single Son/daughter (incl. adopted)
1 1 4 London 5-10 Female Single Son/daughter (incl. adopted)
1 1 5 London 16-19 Male Single Step-son/daughter
2 1 1 Scotland 35-39 Male Single Household Representative
3 1 1 Yorks and the Humber 35-39 Female Married/Civil partnership Household Representative
3 1 2 Yorks and the Humber 35-39 Male Married/Civil partnership Spouse
3 1 3 Yorks and the Humber 5-10 Male Single Step-son/daughter
4 1 1 Wales 0-4 Male Single Son/daughter (incl. adopted)
4 1 2 Wales 60-64 Male Married/Civil partnership Household Representative
4 1 3 Wales 55-59 Female Married/Civil partnership Spouse
4 2 3 Wales 30-34 Female Single Son/daughter (incl. adopted)

The first five people in the FRS all belong to the same household (household 1); they also all belong to the same family. This family comprises a married middle-aged couple plus their three children, one of whom is a stepson.

The second household (household 2) comprises only one person – a single middle-aged male.The third household comprises another married couple, this time with two children.

Superficially the fourth household looks similar to households 1 and 2: a married couple plus their daughter. The difference is that this particular married couple is nearing retirement age, and their daughter is middle-aged. Consequently, despite being a child of the married couple, the middle-aged daughter is treated as a separate ‘family’ (family 2 in the household). This is because the FRS (and Census) define a ‘family’ as a couple plus any ‘dependent’ children. A dependent child is defined as a child who is either` aged 0-15 or aged 16-19, unmarried and in full-time education. All children aged 16-19 who are married or no longer in full-time education are regarded as ‘independent’ adults who form their own family unit, as are all children aged 20+.

The inclusion of all persons in a household allows us more flexibility in the types of research question we can answer. For example, we could explore how the likelihood of a woman being in paid employment WorkStatus is influenced by the age of the youngest child still living in her family (if any) fam_youngest.

In the FRS (and Census), a “family” is defined as a couple and any “dependent” children. Dependent children are defined as those aged 0–15, or aged 16–19 if unmarried and in full-time education.

1.4.3 Explore the Distribution of Your Outcome Variable

Before starting your analysis, it is critical to know the type of scale used to measure your outcome variable: is it categorical or continuous? Here we will start off by exploring a continuous variable which can then turn into a categorical variable (e.g. top earners: yes or no). We explore the income distribution in the UK by first looking at the low and high end of the distribution ie. What sorts of people have high (or low) incomes?

In the FRS each person’s annual income is recorded, both gross (pre-tax) and net (post-tax). This income includes all income sources, including earnings, profits, investment returns, state benefits, occupational pensions etc. As it is possible to make a loss on some of these activities, it is also possible (although unusual) for someone’s gross or net annual income in a given year to be negative (representing an overall loss).

Task: Load the FRS dataset into your R environment, if it’s not already loaded, and inspect the data.

# Load the dataset (replace 'frs_data.csv' with the actual file path)
frs_data <- read.csv("../data/FamilyResourceSurvey/FRS16-17_labels.csv") 

Open the dataset in RStudio’s Data Viewer to explore its structure, including the income_gross and income_net variables.

 # Open the data in the RStudio Viewer

in the Data Viewer tab, scroll horizontally to locate the income_gross and income_net columns. If columns are listed alphabetically, they will appear near other attributes that start with “income.”

You should notice two things:

  • Incomes are recorded to the nearest £, NOT in income bands.
  • Dependent children almost all have a recorded income of £0.

This second observation highlights the somewhat loose wording of our question above (What sorts of people have high (or low) incomes?). To avoid reaching the somewhat banal conclusion that those with the lowest of all incomes are almost all children, we should re-frame the question more precisely as What sorts of people (excluding dependent children) have low incomes?

Task: Determine the Scale of the Outcome Variable.

# Summarize income variables
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-354848      52   12740   17305   23712 1127360 
# Summarize income variables
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-358592       0   12012   14204   20384 1110928 

Task: Exclude Dependent Children.

You need to select all cases (persons) that are independent, that is where the variable dependent has values different from != “Dependent” or equal == “Independent”.

# Filter to include only independent persons
frs_independent <- frs_data %>% filter(dependent != "Dependent")

Task: Create a basic histogram (a visualisation lecture is scheduled later on).

The income variables in the FRS are all scale variables so a good starting point is to examine its distribution looking at a histogram of income_gross.

 ggplot(frs_independent, aes(x = income_gross)) +
   geom_histogram(binwidth = 5000, fill = "blue", color = "black") +
     title = "Distribution of Gross Household Income",
     x = "Gross Income (£)",
     y = "Frequency"
   ) +
   xlim(0, 90000) +

You should see the histogram below. It reveals that the income distribution is very skewed with few people earning high salaries and the majority earning just over or less 35,000 annually.

Task: Adopt a regrouping strategy.

You can also cross-tabulate gross (or net) income with any of the other variables in the FRS to your heart’s content – or can you?

Again, here is important to recall that the income variables in the FRS are all ‘scale’ variables; in other words, they are precise measures rather than broad categories. Consequently, every single person in the FRS potentially has their own unique income value. That could make for a table c. 44,000 rows long (one row per person) if each person has their own unique value. The solution is to create a categorical version of the original income variable by assigning each person to one of a set of income categories (income bands). Having done this, cross-tabulation then becomes possible.

But which strategy to use? Equal intervals, percentiles or ‘ad hoc’. Here I would suggest that ‘ad hoc’ is best: all you want to do is to allocate each independent adult to one of three arbitrarily defined groups: ‘low’, ‘middle’ and ‘high’ income. Define Low and High Income Thresholds

Define thresholds for income categories:

  • Low-income threshold: £________
  • High-income threshold: £_______

Task: Create a New Variable Based on Regrouping of Original Variable.

Recode income_gross into categories based on the chosen thresholds.

# Define thresholds for income categories 
LOW_THRESHOLD <- 10000 # Replace with the upper limit for low income 
HIGH_THRESHOLD <- 50000 # Replace with the lower limit for high income 

# Define income categories based on thresholds 
frs_independent <- frs_independent %>% 
    mutate(income_category = case_when( 
        income_gross <= LOW_THRESHOLD ~ "Low", 
        income_gross >= HIGH_THRESHOLD ~ "High", 
        TRUE ~ "Middle" ))

The mutate() function in R, from the dplyr package, is used to add or modify columns in a data frame. It allows you to create new variables or transform existing ones by applying calculations or conditional statements directly within the function.

Explanation of the code

  • frs_independent %>%: The pipe operator %>% sends frs_independent into mutate(), allowing us to apply transformations without reassigning it repeatedly.
  • mutate(): Starts the transformation process by defining new or modified columns.
  • income_category = case_when(...):
    • This creates a new column named income_category.
    • The case_when() function defines conditions for assigning values to this new column.
  • case_when():
    • case_when() is used here to assign categorical labels based on conditions.
    • income_gross <= LOW_THRESHOLD ~ "Low": If income_gross is less than or equal to LOW_THRESHOLD, income_category will be labeled “Low.”
    • income_gross >= HIGH_THRESHOLD ~ "High": If income_gross is greater than or equal to HIGH_THRESHOLD, income_category will be labeled “High.”
    • TRUE ~ "Middle": Any values not meeting the previous conditions are labeled “Middle.”

Task: Add some Metadata.

Define metadata for the new variable by labeling income categories.

# Add metadata by converting to a factor and defining labels

frs_independent$income_category <- factor(frs_independent$income_category,
                        levels = c("Low", "Middle", "High"), labels = c("<= £10,000", "£10,001 - £49,999", ">= £50,000"))

Task: Check your work.

Examine the frequency distribution of the variable you have just created. Both variables should have the same number of missing cases, unless:

  • Missing cases in the old variable have been intentionally converted into valid cases in the new variable.
  • You forgot to allocate a new value to one of the old variable categories, in which case the new variable will have more missing cases than the old variable.
# Frequency distribution of income categories

       <= £10,000 £10,001 - £49,999        >= £50,000 
             8584             22981              2271 

After preparing the data, use cross-tabulations to compare income levels across demographic groups.

# Cross-tabulate income category by age group, nationality, etc.
table(frs_independent$income_category, frs_independent$age_group)
                    16-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64
  <= £10,000          373   680   492   558   474   511   554   652   781   826
  £10,001 - £49,999   263  1241  1802  2056  2052  1948  1995  1967  1749  1772
  >= £50,000            1     8    59   186   314   331   334   356   237   177
                    65-69 70-74  75+
  <= £10,000          773   744 1166
  £10,001 - £49,999  2073  1554 2509
  >= £50,000          144    56   68

Explore income distribution across different regions.

# Cross-tabulate income category by region
table(frs_independent$income_category, frs_independent$region) 
                    East Midlands East of England London North East North West
  <= £10,000                  562             665    740        357        878
  £10,001 - £49,999          1550            1855   1850        979       2347
  >= £50,000                  135             245    367         48        174
                    Northern Ireland Scotland South East South West Wales
  <= £10,000                     874     1212        895        588   399
  £10,001 - £49,999             2305     3234       2563       1707   971
  >= £50,000                     123      322        367        149    63
                    West Midlands Yorks and the Humber
  <= £10,000                  744                  670
  £10,001 - £49,999          1892                 1728
  >= £50,000                  164                  114

Tips for Cross-Tabulation

  • Place the income variable in the columns.
  • Add multiple variables in the rows to create simultaneous cross-tabulations.